
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Portal 2

I just started playing Portal 2, and it's great.

Valve has outdone themselves with gameplay, visuals, and music.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Photography and a Video

And here is a video I made for my single camera production class last semester. Just for laughs.
The project was to create our own coffee and cigarrettes skit. My friend and I don't smoke. So he suggested we eat hotdogs and drink lemon juice. Yes, those are real reactions to drinking lemon juice. I got really sick. My friend at so many hotdogs.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This is my little cousin Ethan from Florida. For some reason he looks up to me a real lot. He wrote a story about me for his first grade show and tell project, where he wrote that he wanted to be just like me when he grew up. He's one of the smartest 6 year old kids I know, he is insanely gifted at writing and art. He recently started playing the piano and he wants me to teach him how to use a synthesizer. Coolest kid ever.

I snapped this picture of him when I brought him into Boston, captures the type of kid he is perfectly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Some Recent Photography

Just thought I'd drop some of my recent photography here. Just so everyone can get a good idea of some of my work.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Glitch Art

Hello, I had another blog over at But Google suspended my email address for some stupid reason, so here I am!

Ever since I got my Social Network Soundtrack vinyl, I have been very interested in glitch-style artwork. Rob Sheridan art director of nearly all of Trent Reznor's projects created the artwork for the album by opening up stills from the movie in text-editors, and pasting/removing random data from them. The results were brilliant.

In the past I had tried my hand at glitching images this way, but never really experimented enough to actually get something interesting. Here are some results I got recently:

Pasted random album artwork and promo photos of the artist Gold Panda together and saved it as a PSD. I soon realized that layers from the PSD could be manipulated through the text editing software. (I have no affiliation with this artist, it is simply fan work) 

This is a photo I took on my Canon 50D at an airsoft game that my friend was competing in. Once again I saved the image as a PSD. However, this time I got a strange result that seemed to copy a single color channel of the image and move it around.

This is a album cover I made for an artist in my music collection called iamamiwhoami. For this I manipulated a JPEG file in a text-editor. The result was yet again another bizarre meld of colors and digital error. (I have no affiliation with this artist, it is simply fan work)